Enquiries open for May 2024 intake. 

Become a professional assessor today for only $2950. 

Boost Your Career with Our 6-Week Independent Family Assessor Course

If you are looking for a change, or always wanted to run your own business and work your own hours, let us help you take the leap.

Sign up today!

what is one future's Independent Assessor course?

This course is a practical hands-on pathway for you to become an Independent foster and kinship carer assessor. Learn from tertiary qualified assessors on the significance of conducting a comprehensive assessment that considers the child's developmental, emotional, physical, and social needs, as well as their family, culture, and community. Writing clear, concise, and objective assessment reports that effectively communicate the child's needs, risks, strengths, and goals to stakeholders such as court, lawyers, social workers, and caregivers.

Why choose this course?

Running your own business offers numerous benefits that can have a transformative impact on your life. Firstly, it provides you with the freedom to be your own boss and make decisions that align with your vision and values. 

This course will help you take the leap, which can be scary! but we will help you with both business and personal readiness. This is the only course of its kind in Australia, that will give you both business as well as industry readiness. 

  • Advice on how setup your sole trader business.
  • What software you should use to invoice and bill.
  • Guide you through your first assessment.
  • Give you over the phone guidance and support.
  • Give you the templates and knowledge to succeed.
  • Online supervision with senior assessors.
  • Feedback and peer mentoring. 
  • Certification. 
  • Guaranteed work on course completion. 

Operational Excellence

At One Future we guarantee our assessments through our certified Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) to ensure that the assessment meets the desired quality standards of our clients. We will teach you the skills you need to offer the same levels of quality. 

"i wanted more balAnce in my life, be in control of my hours and have more time for my family" - Kelly 

Independent Aboriginal family consultant - One Future

Course structure 

Discovery Session 

Meeting with the One Future Business Partner and Senior Assessor to talk about your goals and objectives. We work with your strengths and weaknesses to help guide you the best way we can.

Business advice 

We give you advice on how to setup your independent assessor business, including software, government websites and introductions to professionals such as accountants. 

Training workshop

We train you on significance of conducting a comprehensive assessment that considers the child's developmental, emotional, physical, and social needs, as well as their family, culture, and community.

Assessment Assignment

We assign you your first of two assessments. You will have three intensive mentoring sessions with your assigned senior assessor. This will include the initial meeting with client and family, during your write up period and before submitting your assessment for QA.

Feedback session 

Meeting with our CEO to have a one-on-one , giving you an opportunity to ask any questions, seek advice or support on any topic, and to have a reflective conversation about where you are at in your journey to becoming a professional assessor.

One Future Accredited 

After completing two assessments and with successful peer reviewing, One Future offer a statement of successful completion. You are awarded a certificate, and offered work with One Future.

​How to enrol?

Become a professional assessor today for only $2950.

Register your interest.